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Captures and Interprets Data from your Digital Multimeter Uni-T UT61E.
Project description
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This is a Python package helping you to capture and interpret data fromthe digital multimeter Uni-T UT61E. You can easily install it viapip.
Tools which this package provides:
es51922 – Interprets the output of the ES51922 chip
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Download Hetman Partition Recovery™ 3.6 for fast and secure recovery of data after partition formatting or removal. The program is intended for recovering data from hard drives, memory cards, USB flash disks.
This utility interprets data sent by the Cyrustek ES51922 chip used inthe Uni-Trend digital multimeter UT61E. It reads lines from stdin, triesto interpret them as messages from the chip and prints basic informationon the stdout. In addition it writes a CSV file with a lot moreinformation to the working directory.
he2325u_hidapi – Reads from the USB/HID adapter cable using HIDAPI
This tool tries to read from the adapter cable using the HID APIprovided by the operating system. It relies oncython-hidapi.
The tool is called after the original chip from the USB/HID cables whichwas the Hoitek HE2325U. Nowadays those cables come with a newer chipcalled WCH CH9325 but the way to get data out of them didn’t change.
This tool prints its output to stdout so that you can directly pipe itinto es51922. Works on Linux and Mac OS X (Windows not tested)without root access. On Linux you may have to create a udevrulein order to get access to the /dev/hidrawX device as a regular user.
he2325u_pyusb – Reads from the USB/HID adapter cable using PyUSB
This tool is very much similar to he2325u_hidapi as it also allowsto read from the USB/HID adapter cable. It also prints its output tostdout. It uses PyUSB instead of HIDAPI which in turn uses direct libusbcalls to talk to the adapter. Needs to be run as root. Works onLinux only.
This Python package is registered on PyPI with the nameut61e. To install it, simplyrun
To read data from the USB/HID adapter cable and interpret it as CyrustekES51922 information, you can do:
You need either Python2 or Python3 to run this software.
To analyze output using es51922 you don’t need any external modules.
If you want to run he2325u_hidapi, you needcython-hidapi.
If you want to run he2325u_pyusb, you needPyUSB.
Software using this Package
I also wrote a web interface for the display of the UT61E. I put it inthe repository ut61e-web onGithub. It relies on the tools from this package.
There is also a C++ based software out there which can read andinterpret the data from the digital multimeter. The older version iscalled dmm_ut61e and the newer version ut61e-linux-sw, both ofwhich you can find in my repositoryut61e_cpp on Github.
If you run Windows, you may be better off withDMM.exe, an opensource tool provided by Henrik Haftmann.
Download Haftmann#software Driver Download
The file was originally written by Domas Jokubauskis(1) and was reused inthis project. I’m very grateful to his work and the work of many othersspent on analyzing the USB/HID interface and the protocol, includingSteffen Vogel(2)and Henrik Haftmann(3).
Licence and Authors
This software is licenced under the LGPL2+
- Philipp Klaus (
- Domas Jokubauskis (
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1.0.2 Delcom products usb devices driver download for windows.
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Download files
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Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size ut61e-1.0.2.tar.gz (11.3 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Hashes for ut61e-1.0.2.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 144d1c784144080d789465c95532ff0871c857cae0f626c867854a8d10151a45 |
MD5 | 7a7cf5f4d55495cbb0403b9faeff2e9d |
BLAKE2-256 | 30727403f2897ff95e902709c52b0118f4d9502dfaf4682965b42f95e6739c3f |
Customize your EAGLE software with community-created programs.
drillplan-autodim-update.ulp by admin
This is an updated version of drillplan- autodim.ulp. I basically just changed the commands that were obsolete so that the ULP could be compatible with versions after 4.11. It is important create a folder named temp on the c drive, for the ULP to function. It is also important to go to Options -> Set - > Drill -> Set for the drill plan. Uploaded by Jorge Garcia 04/07/2010 original code by L.Lile.rnUploaded by Jorge Garcia from Cadsoft Computer
export_cadence_telesis.ulp by admin
Exports a netlist from Eagle to Allegro. v1.0 2009/07/27 This ULP exports parts and nets from Eagle schematic into a Telesis netlist that can be imported from Cadence Allegro (File/Import/Logic/Other), and create associated device files for all parts (including swap info). Tested with OrCAD v16.2 rnUploaded by Eric HEURTEL from Sound4 by admin
This ULP imports, scales, mirrors and rotates polylines and splines from a DXF file. Improved Version of import_dxf_polygons.ulp - insert point configurable - default pen with=0 - supports smaller shapes than v0.1 rnUploaded by Tim Ruetz from caiaq by admin
Schaltplanseite (oder Board) in .WMF-Datei (Windows Metafile) ausgeben. Für bequemen Import in Textverarbeitungen sowie IE6+: Texte bleiben durchsuchbar, Output-Datei sehr kleinrnUploaded by Henrik Haftmann from TU Chemnitz by admin
Download Haftmann#software Drivers
This ULP imports, scales, mirrors and rotates polylines and splines from a DXF file. Use this ULP to import a vectorized logo, your favorite font etc. Arcs, circles, splines, curves are not supported yet. Since this is a very simple, rudimentary script it just generates straight lines to connect vertexes. Use a vector graphics editor to prepare,edit/refine the DXF file before importing it.rnUploaded by Tim Ruetz from caiaq
importnetlist_pads.ulp by admin
This is a pads netlist importer. It is based on the prior postings of Jean Simonet and Ralf Kilguss (Tango importer). Be forewarned that the PADS netlist format may be older (not sure which version), but you should easily be able to modify the script for newer versions.rnUploaded by Keith Williams from USA by admin
This is a set of Export/Import Utilities. This file contains a ULP script file to export the coordinates and rotation of all the components on a Board. Also contained in the file is an Excel file containing two simple macros. One Macro to read the coordinate data generated by the Eagle ULP, and one Macro to generate an Eagle Script file to import the new Coordinates back into Eagle. This provides a quick and easy way to manipulate the coordinates of the components on a Board.rnUploaded by Trevor Kooistra from Canada
acis-sat.ulp by admin
ACIS-SAT exports an ACIS model of the PCB as a Standard ACIS Text (SAT) file in units of inches. The ACIS model includes a 1/16' thick cuboid (rectangular slab) with holes. Importing this type of model into a CAD package is useful for enclosure design. The vector-based nature of the file enables importing CAD packages to support snapping to PCB features including hole centers. Many 3D CAD packages support SAT files including AutoCAD, Inventor, CADKEY, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, IronCAD and more.rnUploaded by Ed Slatt from PCB Singles by admin
Check for wrong Byte Address Range (if BitMaP saved with Coral Draw)rnUploaded by A. Zaffran from CadSoft
position.ulp by admin
This program outputs a file with part, position, and orientation data in a comma-delimited format suitable for import into a spreadsheet or database. This version is targetted toward board shops requiring inch-based data. It has been tested with Eagle 4.1x versions. It is based on 4quad.ulp by Sven Petersen.rnUploaded by Diehl 'Marty' Martin from